Disable Storage on a Raspberry Pi Pico

2023-12-03 · christian · embedded, python

When using a Raspberry Pi Pico as a USB Mouse or Keyboard, you may want to disable CircuitPythons flash drive and the REPL serial console.

Just put the following into the boot.py:

import storage
import usb_cdc
import usb_midi


The actual logic of your program should be put into the code.py and will be launched after boot.py has completed.

It is also possible to add a physical button to skip disabling the Flash Drive. The following example will not disable it, when the button is hold while resetting the Pico:

import board
import storage
import usb_cdc
import usb_midi
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull

btn = DigitalInOut(board.GP13)
btn.direction = Direction.INPUT
btn.pull = Pull.DOWN

if not btn.value:

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